There is a place for you.


The Basics

We believe that God is a God of love, mercy, faithfulness, and justice. He is in the process of redeeming all of creation, including us, to reflect these same virtues. 


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Although He is God, He willingly took on our humanity to walk among us, to show us the way of life, and to accomplish God’s plan of salvation and redemption in the world.


We believe that the Bible is true and speaks truthfully in everything it intends to say. It is not only true, but serves as the standard for truth.


We believe that the Church is intended to be the manifestation of God’s presence on the earth. God has given us His Spirit that we might fulfill this calling by walking out the first principles of the life and teaching of Jesus: loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

The Call to Discipleship


We believe that Jesus calls all believers to follow him and become his disciples. It is this life of discipleship that Jesus says his Father will honor and reward.

We find a description of the process of discipleship in an invitation extended by Jesus where he says, "Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)

As a result, we believe that a disciple is someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and who is on mission with Jesus.

Real Life Ministries Arizona

Mailing Address:
7349 Via Paseo Del Sur
Suite 515-84
Scottsdale AZ 85258
(contact us for meeting location)
Contact Information